Crystal Deva is the Healing Jewelry Bland
by Healing Jewelry Artist ★YUKI★
All Crystal Deva’ HEALING STONE Jewelry
is selected as ONE of a kind
and made by YUKI’s JAPANESE sensitive handmade
with LOVE, BEAUTY and ECSTASY energy One by one.
YUKI has the carrier that crystal sales
and energy healer history for 13 years.
And has been trying to select the special precious stones,
Magical healing stone, gems,
950 pieces since opening this shop.
Crystal Deva as healing jewelry bland started
since 2008 on online, celebrated its 10th anniversary 2019.
And still now evolving.
Thanks to my many stone lover customers (in Japan)
who are conscious and awaken people.
〜Crystal Deva has real concept〜
Creator YUKI are always trying to
make effort to give real energy of crystal healing
for the customers with ascending to pure love.
and By traveling the world and touching a new world view,
I’m keep for making her soul and mind rejuvenated.
YUKI’s residence is Kyoto in japan and
Spending calm life, and more she has another face :
spending freedom life style as world traveler.
When traveling, her home will be all over the world.
So that I’m making new jewelies including the energy
with the the place in the countries
by her inspiration and serendipity.
those are created powerful healing jewelry,
Then she’s selling them on this online shop
for all the world costumers.
When you putting Crystal Deva’s Jewelry ,
Not also your consciousness level get more awakened ,
filled with much love,but also
you may manifest the reality of your hope or dream
that you’d like to fulfill.
Healing Jewelry Artist
Crystal Deva LLC owner